
Student Life


Time on Exchange in South Carolina

James H., Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Laws University of South Carolina, USA (Semester 2, 2018) I picked the University of South Carolina as my exchange destination, mostly based on reports from previous exchange students and because it was a place I had never dreamed of going…

True American Experience

Dylan, S. Bachelor of Science University of Wyoming, USA, (Semester 2 2017) Going on exchange at the University of Wyoming in the USA was far and away the best thing I have ever done in my life. The people I met on exchange will be friends for life…

University Life at Leeds

Chelsie, M., Bachelor of Media and Communication University of Leeds, England (Semester 1, 2018) I recently completed an exchange program for one semester at the University of Leeds in Leeds, England. To say it was the best experience of my life is an understatement! I thoroughly enjoyed every…

A Life of Leisure in Vienna

Naomi M, Bachelor of Nutrition Science University of Wien, Vienna (Semester 1 2017) The city of Leisure Sleeping in late, lazy weekends, enjoying a melange (Viennese coffee) and apple strudel in Freud’s favourite coffee house, picnics in the park, sunset drinks by the Donaukanal, summer walks through the…