Jasmine – University of Exeter, England Semester 1, 2016 Bachelor of Journalism / Bachelor of Laws (Honours) It feels incredibly surreal now, thinking back to my semester spent abroad in England. Ever since I had heard about the unique opportunity to study on exchange, I knew it was…
My Short but Sweet Time in the United Kingdom
Su Jin Lim, Masters of Business Short-term program: University of Exeter ‘International Summer School’ England (June/July 2018) It had always been a lifelong dream of mine to study in the UK; therefore when I saw QUT’s Global Exchange Portal advertising the International Summer School Program at the University…
‘Crisps’ or ‘Chips’?
One of the first things I remember being told about exchange is that assimilating into another culture can be hard. “It’s England,” I thought. “It can’t be that hard.” If I was to study in Italy or France, a country whose first language wasn’t English; that would be…
Life in Exeter
To most people, the prospect of living and studying in England isn’t really a challenge and in many ways it’s not. The culture is similar, the language is the same and university assessment is fairly alike. Until you get to a new country however, you have no idea…