Clubs and societies Exchange

Dare to Learn at University of North Carolina

Darcie – University of North Carolina – Wilmington

Semester, 2019
Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Communications

My name’s Darcie, and I’m a third year Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Communications student. I recently completed a semester exchange to the University of North Carolina in Wilmington (UNCW), USA.  It’s hard to think of where to begin when explaining the whirlwind of my exchange. Before departing, I could not have been more excited to leave Australia and embark on this new journey! 

Campus Life

I lived in the University Suites on campus. With this I could choose to get a single room or live with a roommate. I wanted to get the full experience, so I chose to live with a roommate who ended up becoming one of my best friends! I shared the suite with 10 girls including myself, which was a lot of fun (often chaotic) and definitely worth it! I also purchased a meal plan for the semester which was absolutely worth the money, as it was one less thing I had to worry about when I was there; I also had an endless supply of lucky charms!

Classes were a bit different to QUT, as instead of lectures it was 3 small classes a week for each subject, and instead of multiple large assignments most classes consisted of quizzes every 3-4 weeks. I found this system really helpful in keeping on top of the class content! 

The biggest thing in regards to campus life that I took advantage of, was the UNCW Student Recreation Center! This is where you’d find the gym and pool. When I found myself with some free time, I would attend the free gym classes; it was such a great way to meet other students at UNCW and mingle with friends.

Social Life

The social life at UNCW was amazing! I am so grateful I got to go on this semester exchange, as it tested my confidence and I have come out of it so much surer of myself. In the first weeks of my exchange, I got the chance to complete ‘rush week’ for the sororities. It was a wild experience, but completely worth it and I have met girls that I will be friends with for life! I was also lucky enough to attend a lot of fraternity events, such as Delta Kappa Epsilon (DKE) mountain weekend and the DKE semi-formal.

While I was there, I also got the opportunity to travel around North Carolina, Texas and New York.

There is always something to do at UNCW, so you will never be bored here!

Find out more about the University of North Carolina

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