Ars Electronica Q&A with Lauren McCarthy about her Transmit³-Residency: The Changing Room. Designer, artist and programmer Lauren McCarthy explores the structures and systems of social interaction, identity as well as self-presentation and the potential of technology of how it can influence the dynamics between those traits. During her Transmit³-Residency…
The Cube as a smart social environment
Hi, Lauren here. I’m wrapping up my two month TRANSMIT3 Residency at The Cube and next Thursday 11 August will be the official opening of the new piece I’ve been working on with the team. The event will feature an interactive performance installation in which we dine together…
Hello and welcome, Lauren McCarthy
Hi! I am an artist from New York, in residence for the next two months at The Cube. My practice involves looking at our social interactions, the rules and expectations that govern them, and the effects of technology. I have always been a pretty socially awkward person, and…