Professor Kristian Lasslett has won the 2017 Justice Prize for his article – ‘Uncovering the Transnational Networks, Organisational Techniques and State-Corporate Ties Behind Grand Corruption: Building an Investigative Methodology’, for the best paper published in the International Journal for Crime Justice and Social Democracy, as judged by the Award Committee drawn from…
ARC Scholarships for Higher Degree Students: Preventing Gendered Violence
ARC Scholarship – Preventing Gendered Violence The scholarship HDR student will work with a team on a project entitled “Preventing Gendered Violence: Lessons from the Global South”, funded by the Australian Research Council. The scholarship can either be for a Masters or PhD. Both domestic and international students…
New Book Series: Perspectives on Law, Crime and Justice from the Global South
Academic perspectives on crime, law and justice have generally been sourced from a select number of countries from the Global North, whose journals, conferences, publishers and universities dominate the intellectual landscape. As a consequence research about these matters in contexts of the Global South have tended to uncritically…
Does #ANZSOC endorse the Pacific Solution by accepting Sponsorship from
President, Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology Dear Dr McGee We are aware that ANZSOC has recently received social media criticism for accepting a ‘silver sponsorship’ from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) for the 2017 conference. We are writing to express concern but also seek clarification about the…
Dr Cassandra Cross wins two awards at #ANZSOC 2017
Dr Cassandra Cross, Senior Lecturer, School of Justice, Faculty of Law, QUT was won two awards at the 2017 ANZSOC Conference. The first is for the best publication by a new scholar in 2016 – ‘They’re Very Lonely’: Understanding the Fraud Victimisation of Seniors’ International Journal for Crime, Justice and…
VC Excellence Awards for Law and Justice Staff
Today the VC Awards for Excellence were presented by the Dean, Professor John Humphrey for staff in the Faculty Award. The winners, photographed above, included an award for Alison McIntosh, in recognition of her outstanding management as Journal Editor of the International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social…
Vol 6 (4) International Journal for Crime, Justice & Social Democracy just published
Vol 6(4), the special edition of International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy on ‘Corruption Downunder’ edited by Scott Poynting and David Whyte, has been published online (as of today, 1 December 2017). The article are free to download and to share. Please send/tweet/share to your lists. You will…
#CJRC staff and adjuncts win awards at the American Society of Criminology
Associate Professor Molly Dragiewicz, from the CJRC, and her two co-authors Professors Walter Dekeseredy and Marty Schwartz were awarded the best book prize by the Victimology Division of the American Society of Criminology , 2017. In another prize ceremony Professor Rob White from University of Tasmania, and adjunct professor with the CJRC, QUT won the…
Alternative Criminologies – Just published
Alternative Criminologies, Edited by Pat Carlen, Leandro Ayres França, Has just been published by Routledge. The edited collection includes two chapters by CJRC academics, Feminist Criminologies, by Kerry Carrington and Green Criminologies by Reece Walters .
International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy ranked top for Law for Australia
The International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy has been ranked by Scopus as the top Law journal in Australia. The journal has been steadily growing in international stature and recognition with over a quarter of a million downloads from all over the world. It only just became eligible for ranking. It…