International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy

International Journal of Crime, Justice and Social Democracy

The latest issue of International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy  was published on June 1.

Volume 13, Issue 2 includes a diverse mix of criminology research from the UK, Aotearoa/New Zealand, Italy, Macau, Australia, the US and Norway.

Included in this issue: Qi Chen examines China’s health code monitoring system during the pandemic and implications for security governance in urban communities. From the UK, David Baker, Marta Fidalgo and Lauren Harrison-Brant examine how mental health related deaths (MHRDs) in England and Wales are counted and accounted for raising significant questions about the accuracy of mortality data and the capacity of public organisations to prevent future deaths. Domestic and family violence (DFV) is the focus of a Australian study from Nicola Helps which involved a survey of  practitioners, exploring screening and risk assessment of intimate partner sexual violence within the DFV perpetrator intervention context.

And turning the research focus inwards, Antje Deckert quantifies the discourse on Indigenous peoples in the criminal legal context in elite mainstream criminology journals published over the decade of 2011 to 2020. Pin Yu and Jianhong Liu review theoretical efforts in Asian criminology and how discuss theory development in criminology can gain insights from observations based on Asian contexts.

As well, Shane Miller reviews American Exception: Empire and the Deep State by Aaron Good and Lorenzo Natali reviews Unsaid: Analyzing Harmful Silences by Lois Presser.

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John Scott and David Rodríguez Goyes (Chief Editors); Avi Brisman (Book Editor); Marília de Nardin Budó (Book Editor), and Tracy Creagh (Journal Manager)

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