
Research and News: Commonwealth Prac Payments

QUT Centre for Justice Adjunct Professor Deanna Grant-Smith has co-authored a The Conversation piece on “What does the new Commonwealth Prac Payment mean for students?  Will it do enough to end ‘placement poverty’?”  about the Federal Government announcement of a “Commonwealth Prac Payment” to support selected groups of students doing mandatory work placements.

This article draws on Grant-Smith’s co-authored QUT Centre for Justice Briefing Papers on the topics of impact of financial stress and hardship on work-integrated learning wellbeing, and approaching unpaid work-integrated learning placements through a social justice lens.  

It also draws on the work of QUT Centre for Justice member, Professor Christine Morley, and her research on “Placement Poverty”.  Read about Christine’s research here and here.

Read the full The Conversation article here.  


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