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Welcome: Visiting Fellow – A/Professor Hyeok Kim

QUT School of Justice welcomes Professor Hyeok Kim as a Visting Fellow from 1 February 2024 to 31 January 2025.

A/Prof Hyeok Kim, is from Department of Law, Pukyong National University, South Korea. During his year at QUT School of Justice he will study major criminology (especially juvenile justice) issues more comprehensively and the Australian juvenile justice system more deeply.

Hyeok completed his BA (2002) in public administration from Korean National Police University, an MA (2011) in Law from Keio University in Tokyo, Japan, and PhD (2016) in Law from Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea.

After graduating from university, Hyeok worked as a police officer in the field for several years and has taught criminal law and criminal justice at Pukyong National University since 2019. Hyeok researches in juvenile justice, criminal law, and victimology.

While in Australia Hyeok is working on a project involving a comparative legal review of Australia’s juvenile justice system, which provides opportunities for victim participation in various aspects of the juvenile justice proceedings. In particular, Queensland has established systems such as Youth Justice Conferencing to promote restorative justice practices, which can be a valuable reference in a comparative legal analysis.  Hyeok will propose concrete measures to strengthen the legal position of victims in Korea’s juvenile protection proceedings. Specifically, as in the Australian system, it is necessary to grant victims the right to participate in juvenile protection proceedings in order to recognise them as substantive parties. Hyeok will work closely with Prof John Scott to produce a paper during his visit in Australia.

We welcome Professor Hyeok Kim (Kim) to QUT.


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