Our Research

Professor Deanna Grant-Smith – Media commentary on multi-level marketing schemes (MLM’s)

QUT Centre for Justice member, Professor Deanna Grant-Smith (pictured) has provided commentary about multi-level marketing schemes (MLM’s) in the investigative article titled, The Cult Around the Corner in Australian Women’s Weekly (February 2024).  The article explores global nutrition company, Herbalife – known for its weight-loss teas, protein shakes and sports supplements – and whether the company is deceptive and controlling, with lawyers saying it may be breaking Australian laws.

Professor Grant-Smith researches in a government and academic context across three main areas: responsible management practices; sustainable governance & stakeholder engagement; and unspeakable policy problems.

In February 2022 Professor Grant Smith wrote a QUT Centre for Justice Briefing Paper that considered the demographic and psychographic characteristics, financial literacy and knowledge and previous selling and business experience of Australian MLM consultants.   This research was funded by an Ecstra Foundation grant. The full report and supporting animated videos and educational collateral are available at:

If you are interested in testing your own financial literacy against the questions asked of the sample of MLM consultants visit

If you are considering joining an MLM, visit the MLM Informed Choices YouTube channel to learn how to make an informed decision:

Read the full Women’s Weekly article here.

Image  – Australian Women’s Weekly February 2024

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