
Student Success Journal: Educator Wellbeing in Higher Education

Professor Deanna Grant-Smith and Dr Melinda Laundon from the QUT Centre for Decent Work & Industry and the Centre for Justice have curated a special issue on Educator Wellbeing in Higher Education in the Student Success journal.

Research has repeatedly shown that quality of instruction and positive student–faculty interaction are significant contributors to student success and wellbeing in higher education. However, as additional workload expectations and resource constraints continue to impact higher education globally, there are growing concerns about stress, workload, burnout and intention to leave academia which have significant implications for the wellbeing of both students and educators. This special issue of Student Success explores the vital contribution of educator wellbeing to student success, and approaches to improving it.

(Grant-Smith & Laundon, p. i, 2023)

The nine research articles and three practice reports in this special issue have been prepared by 34 contributors representing a diversity of educational roles including tenured and sessional educators, academic developers and professional staff from universities in Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand and the US. The contributions centre educator experience and deploy a range of approaches including autoethnography, survey-based research, and interviews.

Full issue available at

About the Journal:

The Student Success Journal is an international, open-access, peer-reviewed, scholarly publication exploring the experiences of students in tertiary education.  The Journal provides the opportunity to disseminate current research and scholarly practice about students’ tertiary learning experiences.

The Journal is indexed broadly and included in Scopus, Web of Science and DOAJ.  It is only one of nine journals published in Australasia with the DOAJ Seal for Best Practice in Open Access publishing.  In 2023 it achieved a Q1 Scimago ranking (Scopus) in the category of ‘Education’ and is ranked 4th in Australia in this category – internationally it is in the top 50 open access education journals.

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Issue cover image:  Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

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