Achieving gender equality in STEMM hospital and health service research
Federal Minister for Education Dan Tehan announced an Australian Research Council (ARC) linkage grant: Achieving gender equality in STEMM hospital and health service research which will result in critically-informed, pragmatic strategies that enable health service organisations to detect and redress gender inequality. The research advances inclusive and effective STEMM workforces and, ultimately, world-leading health research practice and gender equality in Australia.
Lead researcher Associate Professor Robyn Mayes, Director of QUT’s Centre for Decent Work & Industry and QUT Centre for Justice member, says the project addresses the crucial and vexed question of why gender inequality remains pervasive and persistent in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine (STEMM) workforces. This is despite substantial and wide-ranging efforts to effect change. The persistent problem of gender inequality in hospital and health research environments specifically, is a highly under-researched area of material importance to significant numbers of women and to world-leading health research practice and gender equality in Australia.
The project team comprise Assoc/Prof Robyn Mayes and Prof Paula McDonald from the Centre for Decent Work & Industry in the QUT Business School, along with two two health researchers from QUT, Prof Janet Davies (IHBI) and Dr Christina Malatzky (School of Public Health and Social Work).
The organisations providing cash and in-kind support for the research are Qld Health and Metro North Hospital and Health Services. Mr Peter Fredriksen joins the team from Metro North as the partner investigator.
Total funds available for the project are $652,938
Lead Researcher Associate Professor Robyn Mayes
Professor Paula McDonald
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