We welcome Zahra Stardust as an invited Emerging Australian Scholar at our upcoming Crime, Justice and Social Democracy International Conference to be held on the Gold Coast from 15-17 July 2019.
Zahra is a socio-legal researcher whose work is concerned with intersections between criminal law, sexuality, labour and justice. She has published chapters in New Feminist Literary Studies (Cambridge University Press, 2019), Orienting Feminisms (Palgrave, 2018) and Queer Sex Work (Routledge, 2015), and articles in Porn Studies, the Journal of Sexual Health and the World Journal of AIDS. She has worked as the Policy Advisor at the AIDS council of NSW (leading organisation for LGBTIQ health), the International Spokesperson for Scarlet Alliance (Australian Sex Workers Association), and as a Teaching Fellow in Criminology at the University of NSW. She is on the Board of the Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby, is a member of the Australian Lawyers for Human Rights LGBTI Sub-Committee, and is a Mentor for the Women’s Justice Network supporting women recently released from prison with social reintegration. Her research interests include queer theories, feminisms, peer methodologies and critical legal studies.
For more information about the conference including registration and abstract submission, see here
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