Call for Proposals for Routledge Book Series – “Victims, Culture and Society.”
Series editors:
- Professor Kerry Carrington, QUT, Brisbane, and
- Professor Sandra Walklate, University of Liverpool
About the Series:
Concerns about victims have grown extraordinarily over the last fifty years. Those concerns cut across disciplinary boundaries and range from psychological pre-occupations with trauma, to more specific debates around the impact of crime on victims, to macro issues relating to genocide, to the growth and development of survivor literature.
Victimology in many ways echoes the limitations of mainstream criminology insofar as much of its work is bounded by the pre-dominance of positivist victimological work. This dominance pushes to the side-lines other, more critical perspectives, as well as diminishing the potential influence of theoretical and empirical work developing out of the crime victim agenda. This series will provide a much-needed space for this kind of work that will as a consequence convey important messages for policy and practice.
This series will provide an outlet for innovative, critical, boundary pushing work both of a theoretical and empirical nature. The editors are seeking proposals for research monographs and edited collections that fall outside of the standard textbook approach. They are also seeking contributions that have a position, are engaged and push debates rather than simply constituting a review of the existing literature. To submit a proposal click here for guidelines.
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