Adjunct Professors Program

Professor Patricia-Faraldo, from Spain joins QUT Adjuncts program

Professor Patricia Faraldo Cabana  from the Universidade Da Corona, Spain joins the Crime and Justice Centre, Adjunct Professor’s Program. She will be speaking at the Crime, Justice and Social Democracy Conference, 8-10 July, QUT


Professor Patricia Faraldo Cabana is the youngest woman in Spain in Criminal Law to be appointed into the highest position as University Professor in 2010 at (Catedrática de Universidad), and now at the Universidade Da Corona. She has published nine monographs, edited ten books and written more than eighty articles and book chapters on issues concerning Criminal Law and Criminal Policy. She has spent time carrying out research work at international centres of renowned prestige: from the Centre of Criminology of Toronto, Canada, to the State Universities of Modena-Reggio Emilia, Bologna and Milan, Italy, the University of Commerce Luigi Bocconi, Italy, the University of Western Cape, South Africa, and the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität of Freiburg, Germany. She has given lectures at Spanish, European and Latin American universities.

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