Adjunct Professors Program

News from Adjunct Professor Nigel South

green cultural crim

With Avi Brisman – Adjunct Professor Nigel South, recently published Green Cultural Criminology: Constructions of environmental harm, consumerism, and resistance to ecocide (Routledge). The paperback edition of their International Handbook of Green Criminology is now available. The publisher Routledge are keen to find reviewers for both!  Please contact Nigel or Avi if you wish to review. Next week Nigel South will take part in a green criminology panel at the ASC in November talking about ‘The theft of land and nature: land-grabs, bio-piracy and the inversion of justice’ with David Rodríguez Goyes (Universidad Antonio Nariño). And from January 2015 Nigel South will take over as Director of  Centre for Criminology  at the University of Essex and where he plans build more links between the research centres at Essex & QUT!

Nigel South is the recipient of the 2013 Lifetime Achievement Award, American Society of Criminology, Division of Critical Criminology.

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