
The Su Mon Wong Scholarship

What’s unique about the Su Mon Wong scholarship is that it isn’t just awarded to a student based on their ability to work a criteria sheet. It’s based on the actual person: their leadership, innovation, and commitment to excellence in marketing and business practice – and that’s why I applied in the first place.

The Su Mon Wong Scholarship, open to both undergraduate and postgraduate students, is awarded to a final year marketing student who embodies the values of Su Mon Wong throughout their QUT career: leadership, innovation, and a commitment to excellence in marketing and business practices.

What attracted me to this scholarship in the first place was that it wasn’t solely dependent on your academic results, which I admit is quite refreshing. While my marks were high, they definitely weren’t perfect and I’m sure there were many other candidates who had higher GPAs. But the reason for this is because I invested A LOT of my time and energy into bettering myself through non-quantifiable avenues such as international case competitions, leading Enactus QUT for two years, and gaining work experience. After a quick perusal through the requirements, I soon realised that the Su Mon Wong Scholarship values both academic and non-academic attributes equally, which was incredibly well-aligned to my experience. So I gave it a go and applied…and the rest is history.

Enactus QUT competing in San Jose, California
The Heavener International Case Competition in Florida

Since receiving the scholarship earlier this year I have had an incredible journey. Not only does this scholarship provide recipients with financial reward, allowing me to focus on my honours year, but it also provides a mentor from the marketing field. Having a mentor meant that I could actively strategise upcoming opportunities and my career, and had a go-to person who could actively dedicate their time to help guide and scope my future. It is something that you can only understand and appreciate the value of having one…by having one.

If you are considering applying, I would highly recommend it. The selection process in itself is amazing practice for real-world job interviews, so really you can’t lose. Good luck!

Bachelor of Business/Fine Arts (Interactive and Visual Design)

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