At the end of 2017 I decided to take a chance and apply for the Su Mon Wong Scholarship for Excellence in Marketing. Before I applied, I second-guessed the fact that I deserved the award, ‘What was extraordinary about me that I deserved it?’ Sure, I do internships, and have always found myself undertaking any extra experiences, immersing myself into every opportunity that comes my way – but could I be the top marketing student for 2018?
As it turns out, not only should I stop doubting my ability, but the effort I put into learning and bettering myself resulted in me receiving the Su Mon Wong scholarship.
This scholarship has many benefits ranging from the bursary, the mentoring and not to mention the feeling of knowing your hard work has been paying off. Throughout this experience, I have had access to industry mentoring from a well-recognised and highly experienced business professional, who has offered great insights and advice around difficult decisions and going forward in my career.
If you’re reading this and have only just started at QUT or are going into your second year, I encourage you to get involved in the extra-curricular activities that QUT offers. I can confidently say that getting involved in the AMPed (Advertising, Marketing, PR and International Business) society has had the most impact on my professional development. AMPed has introduced me to a variety of industry connections that I would never have had the opportunity to meet. It has also helped to connect me with link-minded, motivated individuals that have gone on to be some of the greatest friends I have ever made.
At the end of 2017, I was also lucky enough to embark on a study tour to Hong Kong, Japan and China with the QUT Design faculty – as I also study Creative Industries. This experience pushed me out of my comfort zone and immersed me in Asian Culture, broadening my horizons and giving me new perspectives on the world.
I encourage every soon-to-be final year marketing student to apply for the Su Mon Wong scholarship. The process is worth the rewards it brings, and if you are unsuccessful, just know that the more things you apply for, the better you’ll get! You will need all the application practice when it comes to applying for jobs – trust me!
If you are interested in applying and would like some advice feel free to add me on LinkedIn or visit my website and contact me there!
As a final word – always say yes to opportunities, because you never know what your achievements might mean in the eyes of your peers!