If you have attended the orientation sessions, I am sure you would have gained a good amount of knowledge about what QUT has to offer. Nonetheless, let me give you a little more insight according to my experience.
News: I am finally heading to my last semester in July. I am excited and sad at the same time because my journey is soon going to be over. Nevertheless, spending three semesters entitles me to suggest a few random essentials that I have learned by myself (so proud) because I do have a curious mind.
Just a heads up, my main campus has been Gardens Point. Therefore, my analysis is on the basis of my GP experience. So, let’s jump into it.
1. Volunteer!
I can’t say that enough. If you want to gain experience, make friends, know more about QUT, the best way to do is to volunteer. I have been fairly active in terms of doing volunteer work. I not only have the habit of checking different options on the website, but my secret has been to go through the QUT ISS Newsletter. That is indeed very helpful if you are on a lookout for opportunities. You might get tired of hi-fiving everyone on campus because trust me, you meet a lot of people.
There is not just one kind of role or one group. Every volunteer work is unique, where you learn and educate other students, share your university experiences with fellow students. In short, it’s everything that makes you super cool. If you a student at QUT, volunteer work is a great way to make the most of your university life.
2. Explore the campus
This is a very random suggestion, but quite important to mention. I ask my friends, about their favourite place to sit around the campus, the most common answer is V Block Library Level 2! Seriously?
One of the best things about QUT is its beautiful campus. Whenever I carry my laptop or a book to read I try to find a new spot because there are plenty on campus. Got nothing to do before the 2 pm class. Take your book, find a spot (Library is not the only place to study), grab your coffee. If that’s too much, walk around the campus. I am sure you will see something new every time. I do, till now.
3. Attend workshops (LDI)
This is another opportunity to live the university life and not just a student life. A newbie and coming from an entirely different education system, I have been ignorant about such workshops and their value. Let me tell you, LDI (Learning, Development and Innovation Program), is one of the best things at QUT. They have different workshops every week which might as well look great if you mention that your resume. So something to sign up for hey!
I have learned a bunch of new things as an international student. One of my favourite sessions has been on procrastination. I mean who does not want to get out of that habit.
Signing up on LDI newsletter or QUT ISS newsletter is a perfect way to get weekly updates if you don’t have enough time to spend online.
4. QUT website has to be your bookmark
As I mentioned before, about the volunteer work and the workshops. However, it does not end there. It is not only important but fascinating to see the number of opportunities at QUT.
Since semester one, I have been always on the website, trawling through links which would have so much information about what I can do at QUT. I do not think I have covered everything, even after 12 months of my study here. Not that I am the most brilliant student, but I do have a curious mind. Therefore, I suggest to go to the Blackboard or QUT Virtual, I am sure you will find something of your interest.
5. Save money for the free food?
So I saved the best for last. Let’s face it, who doesn’t love food, especially talking about it.
I will fill you in right away. There are different events at QUT, where you may be able to grab free food. Have you heard of the alumni talks where you can get free burritos and the $2 lunch at Orientation week? One of the things I look forward to! So if it is not for the knowledge, attend it for the food. It still is a great learning experience just by being there. So, keep an eye!
It is safe to say that I have been very random in this article. However, I hope I have shared some valuable knowledge which can help you make your university experience even better.