New paper tracing 30yrs of nonprofit reform in Australia

Are you up for another round of inquiries with the new federal government?

The formal written material generated by federal inquiries about reform of the nonprofit sector is substantial. Over 15.5 million words on almost 50,000 pages have been generated in total by government inquiries from the Industry Commission Report in 1995 up to the Treasury Scoping Study on a national non-profit regulator in 2011.

A person reading for comprehension eight hours a day would take nearly three-and-a-half months to complete the task of reading the material

You can easily check what has happened to previous recommendations or even find out what they were in a new ACPNS Working Paper.

There is even one notable recommendation about recommendations from the 2010 Productivity Commission that “over the last 14 years, there have been five major reviews of the NFP sector, yet many worthwhile recommendations remain unimplemented”.

The paper also has a summary of recommendations that got overlooked but are still worthy of consideration for implementation by the government.

Not only did the reform concern the establishment of a charity regulator, but all manner of other issues such as government funding, volunteers, philanthropy, impact measurement, sector research, workforce capabilities and sustainability. There are some recommendations that still have merit but, for various reasons, have not been implemented.

McGregor-Lowndes, M. (2023) Are any more recommendations worth implementing from nearly 30 years of Commonwealth nonprofit reform reports? (ACPNS), QUT. Available at

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