Nonprofit legal case notes | 2022 second quarter summary now available!

Enjoy reading legal cases but short on time? The second quarterly summary for 2022 is now available!

Researchers at ACPNS scan Australia and the world constantly for legal cases that involve important issues concerning charities, nonprofit organisations, philanthropy, gifts and bequests. Our Quarterly Case Note Summaries capture key legal cases in an easy-to-digest format for lawyers, accountants and managers involved in the nonprofit sector. The second quarter summary for 2022 is now available via eprints and includes significant cases involving charity law, taxation, internal disputes, discrimination, insolvency, defamation, grants and bequests. With commentary and picks from leading nonprofit experts, this summary is an insightful and eye-opening glimpse into nonprofit legalities across the globe.

Second quarter 2022

First quarter 2022 

Want to read more?

Ten Cases That Shaped Charity and Nonprofit Law In 2021 and Ten Trends To Consider

ACPNS Legal Case Reports found nearly 200 cases in 2021 from charity jurisdictions to summarise and make available to the nonprofit sector. Of these, ten cases have been chosen as providing significant decisions that develop the sector’s jurisprudence, or are otherwise noteworthy. In a turnaround from last year when only two were from Australia, this year eight are from Australia. What is it about these cases that make them so interesting? Find out now.

Fourth quarter 2021

Third quarter 2021

Second quarter 2021

First quarter 2021

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Thank you

ACPNS Charity Case Notes provide a unique and timely resource for the profession and sector that our Founding Director, Emeritus Professor Myles McGregor-Lowndes enjoys editing as a volunteer for ACPNS. Our case summaries are well used by a diverse audience as evidenced by the below stats from the past 12 months.

Many thanks for all the support and generous comments we receive about the case reports.

Smolonogov v Our Lady of Kazan Russian Community of Lidcombe Inc [2020] NSWSC 1484

Global Citizen Ltd v Commissioner of the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission [2021] AATA 3313

Safework NSW v Snap Programs Limited and State of New South Wales (Department of Communities and Justice) [2021] NSWDC 259

Jennifer Kimber v Sapphire Coast Community Aged Care Ltd [2021] FWC 1818

Australian Karting Association Ltd v Karting (NSW) Incorporated [2021] NSWSC 1075

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