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Molly Dragiewicz wins ACCAN grant

CJRC member Molly Dragiewicz won a grant from the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) for the 2017-2018 round to study Domestic violence and communication technology: Victim experiences of intrusion, surveillance, and identity theft.

Research team members include CJRC member Dr Bridget Harris, Dr Michael Salter from Western Sydney University, and Dr Delanie Woodlock, Adjunct Professor at the University of New England. Community partners include Women’s Legal Service Queensland and Women’s Legal Service New South Wales. The $53,247 grant is for research which investigates how domestic violence perpetrators intrude on victim’s lives via unwanted contact, unauthorised access to telecommunications accounts and devices, and identity theft in Australia. Domestic violence (DV) victims comprise a large group of vulnerable consumers whose rights, privacy, and security are compromised when telecommunication services and devices are misused. Access to safe and secure information communication services are essential for victims’ social engagement and information and help-seeking. This research will address a knowledge deficit in this area in order to identify future industry, platform, and state research, regulation, and prevention initiatives to improve telecommunication outcomes for victims.

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